Poisson Appoints County’s First Female Deputy County Executive

Oakland County Executive Gerald D. Poisson has appointed Laurie Van Pelt as the county’s first female deputy county executive. She also is the first Japanese American to serve in this position. This historic appointment continues the direction set by the late County Executive L. Brooks Patterson of promoting women to key positions in county administration. Van Pelt was the director of management and budget, the county’s chief fiscal officer. "Laurie has impeccable credentials and … [Read more...]

Patterson Invites Officials to Oakland County Budget Symposium II

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is encouraging local municipal and school officials to attend the Oakland County Budget Symposium II where they will hear the latest government revenue forecasts and learn about long-term financial planning tools and innovative cost saving techniques.The event, co-hosted by Oakland Schools, will be held 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Monday, November 8, 2010, at the Oakland Schools building, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford. Registration begins at 8:00 … [Read more...]