Rochester Hills cited for Excellent Financial Management

Results put City in Top 5% Statewide The City of Rochester Hills is in solid financial condition according to a report from independent auditors of Plante Moran. During a recent Rochester Hills City Council meeting, Plante Moran delivered the results of their completed audit work on the City’s Fiscal Year 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). As reported by Joe Heffernan, CPA and Audit Partner with Plante Moran, “We found no material weakness or deficiencies in internal control … [Read more...]

Statement from Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett

The following is an email Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan K. Barnett sent to his supporters announcing his decision to bow out from the 8th Congressional race. Dear Friend, Twenty-five days ago I stood and announced my intentions to seek the open 8th Congressional seat surrounded by family and friends. I was the first candidate to enter the race because I wanted to make sure a strong conservative leader, with a proven track record of accomplishment, represented our community. I was honored to … [Read more...]

Mayor Barnett files for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District

Below is an email Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan K. Barnett sent to his supporters today. Dear Friend, Today I filed my paperwork to officially run for Michigan's 8th Congressional District. From the moment we launched our campaign, my wife Corrin and I have been overwhelmed by support from every corner of the district. We've been connecting with supporters, grassroots activists and small businesses with one simple message: send Bryan Barnett to Congress. Here's why: I've served as … [Read more...]

Mayor Barnett Announces Run for Congress with VIDEO

(Watch the full announcement video at the end of the article) Team Barnett Announcement Mayor Bryan Barnett and his team sent a message to friends, family and supporters earlier this week. “It has been my honor and privilege to serve as Mayor of Rochester Hills, and this April I will celebrate 8 years representing the residents and businesses of this community. During this time, Rochester Hills has become one of the most successful and recognized cities in Oakland County, and a leader in … [Read more...]

Rochester Hills City Council Appoints Citizen Representatives

Following last week’s Rochester Hills City Council meeting with nominations, councilmembers met Monday to conclude the appointments of several citizen representatives. Here is the list of Rochester Hills residents who will be serving the community by volunteering their time on different boards and committees: Nomination/Appointment of Michael McGunn to the Building Authority for a six-year term to expire December 31, 2019 Nomination/Appointment of Luke Fleer, Sandra Niks, and Dahlvin … [Read more...]

Governor Snyder Addresses Rochester Hills Executives-Mayor’s Business Council Recognized for Reinventing Region

Business Executives from Rochester Hills were given an exclusive opportunity to hear from Governor Rick Snyder as he addressed members of the Mayor’s Business Council at an event held at Rochester Hills based, EEI Global. In an private gathering of the areas top CEO’s and Executives, Governor Snyder provided an update on his plans to reinvent Michigan, including his goal to create more and better jobs and how he plans to revitalize the education system. “It was a privilege to host … [Read more...]

48th Art & Apples Festival features Annual Baking Contest

The 48th Annual Art & Apples Festival is in search of the finest, most imaginative, bakers looking to capture their talents as self-proclaimed apple dessert connoisseurs. Interested bakers may submit either and apple pie or apple dessert with apples as the main ingredient. Applications are available at The non-refundable application fee is $5 and must be submitted by Tuesday, September 3, 2013.  All proceeds benefit Paint Creek Center for the Arts. Participating … [Read more...]

Rochester Area Junior Chamber (Jaycees) Sponsor Annual Shopping Tour

The Rochester Area Junior Chamber has local businesses and community leaders to thank for another successful Christmas Shopping Tour, which took place on Saturday, December 15th, 2012. The Rochester Area Neighborhood House identified for the Jaycees with 29 children who were paired with volunteers to shop for gifts for their family members at Meijer on Rochester Road. After the shopping was finished, the children were transported to the Older Persons’ Commission for a Christmas party where … [Read more...]