Scot Beaton on Local Election Endorsements

Recently I posted Detroit News endorsements... apparently, this web page was under construction, and it looks as though they had the wrong header initially, and their graphic designer decided to highlight every other name which one would immediately interpret as the endorsements. Not sure why this happened, but they said that those were NOT endorsements and have changed the header of the page. The Detroit News will NOT be making any local endorsements this election season. Sorry for any … [Read more...]

Former Councilmember Suggestions for City Officials

This is an opinion piece by former Rochester Hills City Councilman Scot Beaton. With the announcement of a few new candidates for City government he is willing to share his opinions of where the focus of discussion should be at. For comments of discussion with Mr. Beaton you may contact him directly, his info is at the bottom of the page. We need to build and rebuild back to prosperity not tax our way back to prosperity. To tax our way back to prosperity never works!!! Look at Pontiac or … [Read more...]

Citizen’s Opinion on Walton Blvd. Rochester Hills Adams East to Livernois

The (RCOC) Road Commission of Oakland County, with funding help from the City of Rochester Hills, plans to spend millions rebuilding Walton as a five lanes wide asphalt highway. There is no argument that Walton needs to be rebuilt, but if we're going to spend the money would it not be better spent rebuilding Walton as a residential boulevard instead? Would it not be a better idea to improve the residential property values that face this road? Would it not be a better idea to permanently remove … [Read more...]