Difficult Experiences with the Secretary of State? Residents Asked to Share

Greater Rochester Residents can discuss Challenges with the Secretary of State (SOS) Appointment-Only System State Rep. Mark Tisdel has invited Greater Rochester residents to share their experiences with the appointment-only system for Michigan Secretary of State offices. Residents can share any difficulties they have experienced trying to book an appointment by filling out an online form. “During the pandemic, many neighbors, especially our senior citizens, in the Greater Rochester … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Is It Too Late to Register to Vote?

Dear Crabby, I can’t believe it’s already October. Which means election day will be here soon. Is it too late to register to vote? Thanks! Betty Bipartisan, Dear Betty Bipartisan, You’re cutting it close, but you’re in luck. The deadline in Michigan for registering to vote by mail or in person is Tuesday, October 9. If you’re reading this and live in another state, I recommend using the Google to see if your deadline is different. Back to us Michiganders … now if you’re gonna register … [Read more...]

Michigan Secretary of State – Get in Line from Anywhere with MI-TIME Line

This is excellent for those needing to use the Secretary of State (SOS) to renew tabs of anything else. Get in line now. Be seen right when you arrive.<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=6027934892384&cd[value]=0.00&cd[currency]=USD&noscript=1" /> UPDATED: Jocelyn Benson is … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Why are there so many Michigan License Plates?

Dear Crabby, Why does Michigan have so many different kinds of License Plates? Sincerely, Art O’Revenue Dear Art O’Revenue, The job of government is to make things more complicated and more confusing; and to generate more money. We had it easy back in the day. The State of Michigan started requiring license plates in 1910. Each year you would go to the Secretary of State, wait in line for hours, and get a new aluminum plate. Well, you’d get two, one for the front and one for the … [Read more...]

Ruth Johnson, Oakland County Clerk, Wins Nomination For Secretary of State

Ruth Johnson, Oakland County Clerk,  Who Helped Uncover Suspected Election Fraud, Pledges to Continue to Fight for Clean Elections.  East Lansing, MI  - Saturday, August 28, 2010 -  State Republicans today nominated Oakland County Clerk Ruth Johnson as their Secretary of State candidate in the November election. "I am very honored by the nomination and will work hard for Republicans who have placed their faith and trust in me," said Johnson, who joins gubernatorial nominee Rick Snyder, Lt. … [Read more...]

Rep. McMillin Endorses Ruth Johnson for Secretary of State

If you know me, you know I don't have much sympathy for Republicans who compromise on our core principles. Republican or Democrat, I call them out when they abandon the cause of limited government, traditional values or reduced taxation. Ruth Johnson is the real deal. Her record speaks for itself. As state representative, she consistently opposed fee and tax hikes. She also investigated corruption in our schools and uncovered hundreds of thousands   of our tax dollars being spent for … [Read more...]