The grueling work hours at Stoney Creek High School paid off for the 2009-2010 SCHS “Cougar Tales” Yearbook class in the form of a Spartan Award this year. Winning a Spartan (nicknamed the “Sparty”) is the highest award a student journalism piece from Michigan can earn. The yearbook had to earn at least 900 out of a possible 1,000 points during the judging. Every section of the yearbook is scrutinized when being considered for this award, so the glory was shared by each member of the yearbook’s … [Read more...]
Stoney Creek DIVE Team 2010 Fall Preview
August 26, 2010 by
Since 2002, SCHS students have been diving into the crystalline water of the gym's pool, each with a strong determination and a desire to win meets for the upcoming season. The 2010-2011 Stoney Creek Dive team is no exception. On August 11th, weeks before the school year was set to start, the nine team members were assembled to begin the season. Keeping their eyes set on the prize of winning, and enduring the hard work required, takes focus. Conditioning and training is only the starting point … [Read more...]