Are you a published local author? If so, apply to be a part of the Fourth Annual Rochester Author Fair and share your traditionally published or indie published titles with the public. This year’s fair is on Small Business Saturday, November 26, 2022, in the library’s Multipurpose Room. “Rochester Writers is pleased to collaborate with the Rochester Hills Public Library again to organize the fourth annual Rochester Author Fair,” said Michael Dwyer of Rochester Writers. “We’re looking for … [Read more...]
Shop Local and Win Big after Thanksgiving
Join the merchants of Downtown Rochester for a two-day shopping event after Thanksgiving. This year, Downtown Rochester is celebrating Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday to encourage patrons to shop small and give big this holiday season. Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday are days dedicated to strengthening the community by supporting local small businesses. Plaid Friday takes place November 26, shoppers are encouraged to wear plaid and head to Downtown Rochester for a fun day of … [Read more...]
Support Small and Shop Local after Thanksgiving
Join the merchants of Downtown Rochester for a two-day shopping event after Thanksgiving. This year Downtown Rochester is celebrating Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday to encourage patrons to shop small and give big this holiday season. Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday are days dedicated to strengthening the community by supporting local small businesses. Plaid Friday takes place November 27, shoppers are encouraged to wear plaid and head to Downtown Rochester for a fun day of … [Read more...]
Holiday Shoppers Score Big for Shopping Small
Holiday Shoppers Score Big for Shopping Small in Oakland County on Small Business Saturday The holiday season got a whole light brighter for a collection of lucky shoppers who are sharing $9,000 in cash and prizes from the inaugural "Small Business Saturday" shopping promotion. Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson played Santa today, handing out prizes to the appreciative bunch who gathered in the lobby of the Executive Office Building. "We have to support our small businesses; … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, What is Small Business Saturday?
Dear Crabby, I usually do all my shopping online, can you please tell me what Small Business Saturday is? Sincerely, Indoor Girl Well Hello Indoor Girl, Small Business Saturday has been around since 2010, but if you're an indoor kind of person, I can understand you not knowing about this special day to get folks into true blue American stores. For decades, the day after Thanksgiving, as most people know as Black Friday, is the start to the holiday shopping season. It's the … [Read more...]
Shop a Small Business in Oakland County and Score 5K
One Holiday Shopper to Score $5,000 for Buying at an Oakland County Small Business on Small Business Saturday Holiday shoppers who make any purchase at any small business in Oakland County on November 26 could find themselves $5,000 richer under a program launched today by Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. "Small Business Saturday," which takes place the Saturday after Thanksgiving, aims to steer holiday shoppers into independently owned brick and mortar businesses in an … [Read more...]