Dear Crabby, I've Heard on the News that this is our First Big Snow Storm of the Season, didn't we have that in November. Is this Weekend's Snow Storm a Big Deal? Sincerely, Normal for January Dear Normal for January, Well there goes the weather reporter again, trying to fool us. Yes, we had nearly a foot of snow in these parts back on November 11. But that was technically still "Fall" and not yet "Winter," so I guess it is this season's first. And, that was way back in 2019 ... … [Read more...]
Road Commission of Oakland County looking to hire over 40 part-time snowplow drivers
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) is seeking to hire 42 part-time snowplow drivers to augment its reduced full-time staff for the winter this year. “We have reduced our staff more than 35 percent in the last six years, and many of the workers we have lost served as snowplow drivers in the winter,” explained Managing Director Dennis Kolar. “The reality is we cannot afford to replace the full-time employees we have lost, but we also cannot provide the level of service our customers … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Why Don’t People Clear Their Cars in the Winter?
Dear Crabby, My winter pet peeve is people who refuse to clean the snow from their vehicles after a snowstorm. Have you ever been avalanched when the snow on the roof of the vehicle in front of you suddenly shifts and slams onto your windshield???? Is there some kind of snow collecting contest I don't know about??? Sincerely, Snow Angel Dear Snow Angel, Yes, I too have been behind "that guy" once or twice in my life. I think the best invention was the garage, but I know that even when you … [Read more...]