Spring clean your house and help those in need!

The annual Faith Church Attic Sale is set for Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be antiques, furniture, collectibles, and more - with price reductions every hour! It’s a yard sale with a purpose as the proceeds go to support community outreach and those in need! Faith Church is located at 160 West Hamlin Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Call 248-651-3535 with any questions or if you have items to donate. Drop off your good from noon to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, What Do You Think About Spring Cleaning?

Dear Crabby, Every year my husband and I get into a big fight about spring cleaning. He wants to throw everything out, and I want to look through it all to make sure we can't still use it somehow. We both hate that time of year because we never agree on how to go about it. Have you come up with anything that worked for you and the missus? Sincerely, Patty Packrat Dear Ms. Packrat, Ah yes, the sweet memories of spring cleanup are still fresh in my mind. It was much worse when the kids … [Read more...]

Clear Out Your Clutter

It may feel like summer outside, but the calendar is officially proclaiming spring. I love spring, for the promise of fresh beginnings, for shedding off layers, and for seeing more of the neighbors again. I also love it for cleaning. To put away the coats, organize the garage, and renew the landscaping are all welcome chores. I especially relish the glorious results of cleaning that are often found in garage and attic sales that will quickly be popping up. The time is here to give away, hunt for … [Read more...]