Dear Crabby, What Does Spring Mean to You? Sincerely, April Cummings Dear April, Spring is a rebirth, a reminder, and a time to rejoice. I've written a lot about spring, and if you really want to know what I think about springtime, let's peruse some of my past columns together. Dear Crabby, Is It Really Spring? The snow is all but gone here in the Rochester Area. Only small piles left from snow plows seem to be lingering. Soon kids will be cutting across my yard and outdoor … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Is It Really Spring?
Dear Crabby, Is spring finally coming this weekend? Thanks, Shirley Springer Dear Ms. Springer, Why yes, according to my At-A-Glance Calendar my wife got me so I wouldn't forget doctor appointments and plans with the grandkids, spring starts on Friday, March 20. Of course, as we all know, in Michigan the weather could change quickly and we could lapse back into Winter. The snow is all but gone here in the Rochester Area. Only small piles left from snow plows seem to be lingering. … [Read more...]
Clear Out Your Clutter
It may feel like summer outside, but the calendar is officially proclaiming spring. I love spring, for the promise of fresh beginnings, for shedding off layers, and for seeing more of the neighbors again. I also love it for cleaning. To put away the coats, organize the garage, and renew the landscaping are all welcome chores. I especially relish the glorious results of cleaning that are often found in garage and attic sales that will quickly be popping up. The time is here to give away, hunt for … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, I Need My Tools Back!
Dear Crabby, It's time to go out and start working in my yard, but my neighbor still hasn't returned some of the tools he borrowed from me last year. What's the best way to get them back? Sincerely, Ned TooNice Dear Mr. TooNice, I've never really been one to suffer from things like tact and manners before. If a neighbor, friend, or relative has borrowed something of mine and I notice they haven't returned it, two things are about to happen. First, they will get a phone call or … [Read more...]