By the Numbers: Michigan Picks Trump and Sanders

The turnout for the Michigan March 8, 2016 presidential primary election is a record with 2.4 million voters showing up to pick Donald J. Trump on the Republican side and Bernie Sanders on the Democrat side. Yesterday's turnout beats the 1972 record of 1.7 million votes cast. Clinton beat Sanders in Oakland County, however the Rochester Hills tally was similar to the Michigan numbers. Michigan Totals Republican Primary Candidates Vote Pct. Delegates Trump Donald J. … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Why Should I Care about Iowa and New Hampshire?

Dear Crabby, Last week, everyone was all about the Iowa Caucus and this week people can’t seem to shut up about the New Hampshire Primary. What I want to know is why are these two states so important during a presidential election? Thanks! Beatrix Bipartisan Dear Ms. Bipartisan, Excellent question! And honestly… I have no idea. But ain’t it a kick in the head to watch? I bet some of these candidates couldn’t even find these two states on a map before they started campaigning and … [Read more...]