Come join the flock for the Ewe Revue 2 Premiere!

“I Love Ewesy”, “Captain Jack Spbaarow”, “Lady Baa Baa”, and Baa-No of Ewe 2, are just a few of the sheep stars that will flock to Downtown Rochester this May. Over two dozen life size fiberglass sheep will make up Rochester’s Ewe Revue 2, a community wide art project featuring sheep designed by artists and sponsored by local businesses. The Ewe Revue 2 will kick off its red carpet season with a Premiere on May 19. The Premiere event tent will be located in the Farmers’ Market Upper Lot, … [Read more...]

Make Each Bite Count!

When you think about it, “there’s nothing like a home-cooked meal” is just about the most random statement there is.  Is there really nothing like it?  And does that mean that a home-cooked meal really tastes better?  If you are eating in my home, you may suggest that the statement is referring to the lack of talent in the preparation of what’s on your plate! Regardless of defining what that statement really means, cooking at home is generally much cheaper than dining out, especially when tax … [Read more...]