Last week we discussed the advantages of copyrighting your work. Today, in our second of a three-part series, we look at trademarks. A trademark (™) is, "A word, phrase, logo, or other graphic symbol (i.e., the shape of a Coca Cola® bottle) used by a manufacturer or seller to distinguish its product(s) from those of others.” The main purpose of a trademark is to designate the source of goods or services, allowing it to essentially serve as the commercial substitute for one's signature. But, … [Read more...]
City of Rochester Updates- from Master Plans to Big Bright Lights!
September 14, 2011 by Leave a Comment
Rochester’s Planning Commission has begun the task of updating the city’s master plan. Chairman David Gassen said the commission has conducted a survey of city officials, held seven workshops and drafted a vision statement. The first of four opportunities for public input will be scheduled in October. The master plan covers everything from design policy to housing density and parking management. It is typically followed by revision of the zoning ordinance. “The community will be part and … [Read more...]