Dear Crabby, How Do I Throw the Perfect Wedding

Dear Crabby, My daughter is getting married and I want to throw her the perfect wedding. Do you have any tips that can help make this happen? Sincerely, Patty Perfect Dear Mrs. Perfect, Well, we all look for that perfect day when our child walks down the aisle and we drain our life savings in order to live vicariously through our kids for one of the last times.  For me personally, I was mostly concerned that I do my best, as the father of the bride, to not show any emotional weakness … [Read more...]

Dear Crabby, Daughter Wants To Get Married, Should I Meddle?

Dear Crabby, My daughter just told me that she wants to marry her boyfriend now instead of finishing college.  Should I meddle or let her live her own life? Sincerely Sally Sayno Dear Mrs. Sayno, When I think back to all the parents who wanted to stop a marriage from happening, I realize that if the parent had succeeded I would not have any grandchildren nor would I have any children. That's right, my in-laws were not exactly doing back flips when I proposed to the missus. I didn't … [Read more...]