Almost 100 people gathered in Rotary Gateway Park earlier this month, next to the library in Downtown Rochester, to witness the dedication of a new sundial monument. Inscribed on the front, the word IMAGINE, succinctly encapsulated the life of a Rochester community leader, the late William R. Potere. Bill Potere grew up in Rochester and eventually took over his father’s funeral home, which is now called the Potere-Modetz Funeral Home. Unbeknownst to many, Bill was the quiet visionary … [Read more...]
Potere-Modetz Funeral Home is One of Rochester’s Oldest Businesses

Although it has been known by several different names throughout its history, the roots of the Potere-Modetz Funeral Home go back 137 years in Rochester. Along with the Rochester Elevator, the funeral home qualifies as one of the town’s oldest businesses. It all started around 1880, when William Harvey Greene went into the furniture and undertaking business in Rochester. Within three years’ time, he was successful enough to build a brand new store at 311 S. Main (now the location of Haig’s of … [Read more...]