The nation was in the throes of the Civil War when William Henry Yates and his wife, Caroline, bought 80 acres of land on the Clinton River in southeastern Avon Township. It was April 1863, and the Yateses, with their nine-year-old son, Frank, made the trip to their new home in Michigan from Madison County, New York. Settling on land at what we know today as the intersection of Avon and Dequindre roads, William Yates used an existing dam on the Clinton River to power a lumber and … [Read more...]
Yates is the “Granddaddy” of Rochester Area Cider Mills
Filed Under: A Look Back, The Community Edge Tagged With: Avon Township, By Deborah J. Larsen, cider mill, katie posey titus, michigan cider mills, mike titus, Rochester Era, William Henry Yates, William Yates, Yates Cider Mill
Water-Powered Mills of the Rochester Area
Mill Town Heritage of Rochester and Avon Township The real estate professional’s mantra that “location is everything” was as true in Rochester’s pioneer days as it is today. Long before the James Graham party led white settlers to today’s Oakland County, its hospitable lakes and streams and the excellent fishing they offered drew native people to the area. Water also attracted the Grahams and those who followed them. It was an essential element to sustain life, and it would power the new … [Read more...]
Filed Under: A Look Back, The Community Edge Tagged With: Abner Parker, Avon Township, by deborah larsen, Calvin Greene, Charles Chapman, clinton river, Col. Stephen Mack, Deborah Larsen, Detroit Sugar Company, Elliott Wilcox, Hosea Richardson, James Curtis, James Graham, John Hersey, Johnson Niles mill, Milo Newberry, Oakland County, paint creek, Rochester Community House, Rochester Mills Brewing Company, Rochester Municipal Park, Steven Barkham, stoney creek, Thomas Neely, Western Knitting Mills, William Barnes, William Chapman, William Russell, William Yates, William Yawkey, Yates Cider Mill