Dear Crabby, I’m Bored with my New Year’s Resolution Already

Dear Crabby, I’m already bored with my New Year’s resolution to eat better and workout. How long until I can give it all up? Sincerely, Kimmy A. Burger Dear Ms. Burger, I appreciate your honesty about being bored with the whole resolution thing. You may have noticed I like to be direct and honest too. So my suggestion is to lie. That’s right, mislead everyone. Way back when, before Mrs. Crabby – when history was current events, I dated a girl who smoked. Even though smoking was not … [Read more...]

How Strong is Your Core?

Most of you know I’ve spent the last few months doing the P90X workout.  Well I’m proud to say that last Thursday, May 6th, I finished it!  Many of you have asked me to post pictures and I’m still considering it.  In the meantime, here are 2 facts that I’ve been telling people when they ask me, “does it work?” First, I lost 2o pounds over the course of the program.  I’m now within 5 pounds of my weight when I graduated from high school.  Second, at the beginning of the program, I could maybe … [Read more...]