Take your best shot at the 8th annual Key of Hope Charity Golf Scramble

Soon, children all over Oakland County will be out for summer vacation and planning on how they’ll spend their carefree days.

Right now in Durban, South Africa, it’s winter and children are wondering if they’ll live to see summer again.

On Monday, June 23, you can help the children of Durban have a future by taking part in the 8th annual Key of Hope Charity Golf Scramble at WestWynd in Oakland Township. KOH Golf Brochure

Key of Hope is a nonprofit founded by former Michigan natives Rachel and Dan Smither, who along with their four daughters, moved permanently to Durban in 2008. South Africa is the epicenter of the global AIDS epidemic — with more HIV-positive people than any other country in the world, and an estimated 4 million to 6 million orphans. Durban is South Africa’s worst-affected province.

A Weekly Escape

A main component of Key of Hope’s ministry is their Saturday Kidz Klub, which offers an exciting mix of games, singing, prizes, puppets, and Bible teaching. If the Kidz Klub concept sounds familiar, it’s because Dan’s father-in-law is Pastor John Gunn, the CEO and Founder of Power Company Kids Club (PCKC) in Pontiac, which uses a similar community outreach model.48 Days, LLC

Kidz Klub started with 17 kids. Currently, it is split into two Saturday sessions to accommodate the 700 to 800 children who attend. In addition, Key of Hope visits over 1,000 children at home each week that are involved in after-school tutoring, sports teams, youth leadership teams, a drama group, and the choir led by Rachel, who studied music theory at Oakland University. Last year, the Key of Hope Children’s Choir traveled from their squatter camps and hillside homes to sing their inspiring message across Michigan; giving 46 performances as part of the ‘Sound of Hope’ tour.

AIDS has left many of these children orphaned and they have come to rely heavily on Key of Hope for access to education (to pay school fees and buy school supplies and uniforms), HIV treatment, food, and assistance with everything from birth certificates to monthly orphan grants. Most importantly, they are shown daily that Jesus loves them and that there is hope.

Key of Hope founder Dan Smither interacting with kids in the Durban squatter camps during a weekly visit.

Key of Hope founder Dan Smither interacting with kids in the Durban squatter camps during a weekly visit. Photo from KeyofHope.org

Dan sees proof of the impact Key of Hope is making every day, “People in the communities where we work often stop me to say thanks, and to say what a difference Key of Hope has made,” he said. “Last week the adult sister of one of our kids shared with me how there used to be kids all over the streets during the day, but that now they are all in school thanks to Key of Hope. The impact we are making is directly linked to the donations made by our family of supporters.”

Now you have an opportunity to be part of the solution by participating in the 8th annual Key of Hope Charity Golf Scramble on Monday, June 23, hosted at the idyllic WestWynd (4161 North Adams Road, Oakland Township). Cost for a single golfer is $150 and $500 for a foursome. Various sponsorships opportunities are also available. Register online at KeyofHope.org, by calling 248.705.5865, or by filling out and faxing the registration form to 248.856.2233. Deadline for sign-up is Saturday, June 14.

About Sarah Hovis

Freelance wordsmith, arts appreciator, grammar geek, sports spectator, stationery snob, and world traveler, Sarah charts her own course as the owner of saliho creative. She uses her creative mind and engaging dialogue to fearlessly bring the written word to life in print and online… all while keeping a watchful eye out for the next literary adventure. You can reach her at sarah@rochestermedia.com.

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