It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without all of us thinking about the things in life that we are thankful for. Sometimes life gets so busy that we often forget to take a moment and reflect on our lives and truly appreciate all that we have. This last year has been an awesome opportunity to learn about myself and what matters the most. With that, here is my list.
- God. This will always be numero uno in my book. I always go back to Luke 1:37…”For nothing is impossible with God.”
- Julianne. She puts up with a lot from me and still stands by my side and is so supportive.
- Gina. My firstborn who has such a passionate heart.
- Joshua. My son who has the same determination and focus as I do.
- Jessica. My princess who has eyes and a smile that will melt anyone.
- Luke. My little boy who is not afraid of anything and keeps Julianne and I on our toes.
- My dad. Quite simply, he is my hero and who I strive to be as a father each day.
- Kensington Community Church. This place has allowed me to grow in my faith by connecting with great people and great leaders.
- Bryan Willmert. Yes it’s a little sappy but Bryan and I have become really good friends through our passion for Christ and the social web.
- The social web. The number of quality and intelligent people that I’ve met through Facebook, Twitter and blogs is amazing. Special shout out to Gini Dietrich because she represents the benefits of what Twitter can do for people.
There you have it. By the way, numbers 3 – 6 are all equal just in case you were wondering. As you gather this week for your Thanksgiving meals, take a moment and appreciate the people and things in your life and let them know it.
What are you thankful for?