The Downtown Rochester Gallery Stroll is Friday, June 9, from 6:00 .m. until 8:00 p.m.
This twice-yearly event provides art makers and lovers, and our Downtown Rochester shops, a chance to connect. Participating businesses open their doors to the public and transform their locations into pop-up galleries – just look for the Gallery Stroll poster or postcard in their window – including photo opportunities with the BIG LOVE BALL at Talulah Belle.
Haven’t participated in a Gallery Stroll before? Strollers should have their own postcard ready to be punched at each stop. Postcards will be available at each participating Gallery Stroll location. Leave a completed postcard at your last participating Gallery Stroll pop-up gallery for a chance to win a $50 Downtown Rochester gift card, provided by the Rochester Downtown Development Authority (DDA).
1. Paint Creek Center for the Arts
407 Pine St.
2. SEE Eyewear
417 S. Main Street
3. @Home Furniture
434 S. Main Street
4. Aurum Design Jewelry
400 S. Main Street
300 S. Main Street
6. Daniel Brian Advertising
222 S. Main Street
7. Olive Vinegar
205 S. Main Street
8. Hermitage Gallery
235 S. Main Street
9. Talulah Belle
307 Main Street
10. Plain and Fancy Gift Shop
323 S. Main Street