The Kiddie Academy of Rochester Hills Hosted a Stuffed Animal Drive

The Kiddie Academy of Rochester Hills hosted a stuffed animal drive on January 10-January 20th.   They collected stuffed animals that were donated to The Rochester Hills Fire Department.   All items will then be further distributed to local children who are affected by a 911 emergency call.   The stuffed animals are for children in distress.   They could be given to a child the call has been made for or even to a child affected by the call i.e a parent or someone else close to the child.   Upon arrival the emergency personnel will have stuffed animals to help ease the stress on the child.   The drive was conducted to encourage the children at their Academy to help assist those in need in our community.  Upon completion of their event, a whopping 858 animals were collected!!!�
Thank you Kiddie Academy for being a community partner.

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