After 20 years of bringing awareness to Special Education in the Rochester community, the Rochester Community Schools Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is unveiling their new logo. This new logo emphasizes the key component of the committee’s mission, which is to empower families whose children receive special education services. The organization is made up of parent volunteers who represent each school or program level in the district. These parents attend monthly PAC meetings and share the information they have learned with the PTA and other parents in the building.
The PAC has a five person Board and this year those people are: Michele Brabant as Chairperson, Karen Dacey as Vice Chairperson of Parent Education, Kathleen Lawson as Vice Chairperson of Membership, Barb Brennan as Corresponding Secretary and Kit Duffield as Recording Secretary.
The PAC has two to three Parent Education evenings a year. The most recent one was on October 11. The topic was the new IEP process and more than 90 parents attended with 11 school districts represented.
Other events the PAC sponsors are Brunch with Santa, held annually the Sunday before Thanksgiving at the Rivercrest Banquet Center, and the Meet and Eat, held at Rochester Mills Brewing Company, for parents to connect and converse. The Disability Awareness Workshop, which every fourth grade student participates in, is also a PAC activity. This hands-on and activity-based workshop provides community awareness and promotes a more empathic understanding of how difficult and complex daily living can be for individuals with disabilities.
Lastly, the PAC’s flagship event is the Special Education Appreciation Evening held annually in April. This event is a way of recognizing the distinguished service of people within the Rochester Community School District whose support of students with special needs is exemplary. Nominations are submitted by students, parents, faculty, and the staff members of the school district. Every nominee is individually recognized and receives a Sparkle Award at the Appreciation Evening. In addition, one candidate is selected from each category of service to receive special recognition.