Upcoming senior and community events held at the Older Persons’ Commission in Rochester. For more information on any of these events, visit www.orpseniorcenter.org. The OPC is located at 650 Lettica Drive in Rochester.
Zentangle Intro Class will be held September 7 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of drawing beautiful images from structured patterns. Experience the benefits of tranquil focus while creating beautiful art. For more information, visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Brain Games/ All About Time will be held September 8 from 10:00 – 11:30 am. How do you know what time it is? Retrace how and why the earliest civilizations measured time. Have fun while challenging your brain . For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Pottery Wheel Class will run from September 9–October 14 from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Beginners learn basic throwing skills including centering, coning up and down and pulling up walls of a pot. Class also covers trimming, glazing, pulling handles and making lids. Returning students practice skills. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
WATERCOLOR FOR THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNER will be held from September 12 – October 3 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. “Absolute Beginner” provides an introduction to the tools and techniques of watercolor while encouraging confidence. Class is “art informative,” stress free and individually guided. With further lessons and practice you’ll be able to create pleasing watercolor paintings. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Pastel Drawing Basics will be held from September 12 – 26 from 9:00–11:00 a.m. Pastel is a simple way to enjoy the colors around us. It combines the convenience of a dry medium with the brilliant color of paint. Learn to blend, shade and layer colors. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
A Vincent Van Gogh Lecture will be held on September 15 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Classroom 1 of the OPC. This emotional lecture is full of light and color. Discussion of Vincent Van Gogh’s troubled life and his wonderful gift to us is included. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Bookfolding Class will be held on September 19 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Turn a book into a Hedgehog to sit by your phone & hold messages. All levels, but must be able to fold paper and crease repeatedly. Bring soft covered book/ minimum of 100 pages, small ruler or bone folder tool and embellishments –ribbon, buttons (extra available in class). For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Basic Drawing Workshop will be held from September 21 – October 12 from 1:00–3:30 p.m. This class is designed specifically for adults with no previous art training. Since drawing is all about seeing, students will learn to see like an artist by learning about fundamental tools and techniques. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Clay Handbuilding Class will be held from September 21 – October 26 from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Explore the possibilities of creating pottery using your hands, fingers and a few basic tools. Great opportunity to experiment and create unique clay pieces. Includes instruction on the slab roller. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Create Your Own Fall Door Decemberor on September 21 from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Make a unique wreath for your door with a picture frame and wood initial. Embellish with floral, gourds, berries, bows and more. Supplies: You bring a 6–8” wood initial; other supplies included in class fee. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Women’s Luncheon
The September Women’s Luncheon will be held on Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:00 p.m. in the OPC Dining Room Fabulous Luncheon with special guest speaker, Nancy Serlag, writer for the Detroit News & Free Press, sharing information about container gardening and fall planting. Cost: $12. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Annual Senior Day at Bloomer
The Annual OPC Senior Day at Bloomer Park will be held Wednesday, September 14 from 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. It’s more than a picnic. Breakfast & lunch with various presentation and entertainment all day. No cost, but must register by calling 248–656–1403 then press 0 for the receptionist. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Volunteer to Help Make Apple Pies
Apple Pie time is quickly approaching. On Tuesday, September 6, we will begin the process of making 1,800 pies that will be sold curbside at the OPC, September 7 – 9, as well as at the Art & Apples festival on Saturday, September 10. It’s not too late to sign–up to volunteer – sign–up sheets are located in the main lobby or you can call the Volunteer Department at 248–608–0270.
Tipping Point Theatre – Thursday November 17
Enjoy a special preview performance of “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,” the classic story of good versus evil, law versus the gun. Talk back with the actors after the show. Dinner before at Loccino’s of Troy. Cost: $93
Twas A Girl’s Night B4 Christmas – Saturday December 3
This fun–filled musical comedy at the City Theatre entertains with classic Christmas songs and contemporary hits. It is guaranteed to resonate with anyone who has survived the holiday season. A delicious lunch at Hockeytown Café is included. Cost: $95
Too Hot To Handel – Saturday December 10
The Detroit Opera House presents this holiday celebration that is “too hot to miss.” This jazz–gospel version of Handel’s classic Messiah, features 80 musicians, soloists and the Rackham Choir. Cost: $88
Beautiful–Carole King Musical – Saturday Jan 14
Experience the Tony & Grammy Award winning true story of Carole King’s remarkable rise to stardom. Enjoy all her beautiful hit songs in this full Broadway production. We will travel to MSU’s State Room for an included lunch followed by the show at MSU’s Wharton Center. Cost: $138
For more information on upcoming trips including refund deadlines and times, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.
Drop In Volleyball
Drop–in volleyball is back on the Saturday schedule. Beginning September 10 volleyball will run from 11:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. $2 drop–in fee per player. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org. PickleBall Team Challenge New Pickleball Team Challenge will be offered Friday nights from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the gym. This activity is pre–registration only and cost $20 for the month. Take a peek in September’s OPC Newsletter or contact Jeremy Ridky at 248–608–0295 for details. November ice pickleball has also been added to the gym schedule on Saturdays 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. $2 drop–in fee per player. Both activities begin in September. For more information, see this month’s OPC newsletter or visit opcseniorcenter.org.