The Veterans Tribute of Oakland Township (VTOT) will hold a Veteran’s Day Open House and ceremony on Sunday, November 11. The Open House runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A short ceremony will being at 10:55 a.m. The ceremony will include a blessing, a guest speaker, patriotic music/singing, and a Moment of Silence at 11:00 a.m. sharp to mark the month-date-hour that the ‘guns fell silent on the Western Front’ at 11:00 a.m. on November 11. Hotdogs & light refreshments will be served; donations are welcome.
The VTOT Board Members and local Veterans will be there to provide guided tours of the site as well as some history of the Armed Forces and Veterans who are honored at the site. The names of the 108 new engraved pavers that will be installed prior to Veterans Day. In addition, learn how to order a paver to honor a Veteran or to support the Tribute during the event.
The Dedication Ceremony was held July 31, 2018. The Veterans Tribute is located on the west side of Adams Road, between Dutton and Silverbell Roads, on a five-acre parcel of land. Visit to learn more.