Voters Approve Millage Proposal in Rochester Community Schools

Voters residing within the boundaries of Rochester Community Schools (RCS) overwhelmingly elected to approve a building and site sinking fund. This investment in the school district will generate approximately $7.8 million per year for 10 years to repair, replace, or buy new facility and infrastructure items, enhance security, and upgrade technology.

Five people watch a large screen TV

Superintendent, Dr. Robert Shaner, and others watch the election results come in

“It is an honor to work among community members who place such a high value on education and are willing to invest in our students’ future,” said Superintendent Robert Shaner, Ph.D. “We are truly grateful for the support of our Rochester-area residents, members of the Advanced Planning Committee, the Citizens Committee, our parents, PTAs (Parent-Teacher Associations), PAC (Parent Advisory Committee), local leaders and business owners, and our outstanding board of education, school administrators and staff.”

In May, an Advanced Planning Committee, consisting of school, business, and city government leaders, met to discuss sustainability mechanisms for the district’s critical facility and infrastructure needs. The group concluded that it would be in the best interest of the district to pursue a sinking fund. The committee brought their recommendation to the Board of Education at the June 10 meeting. The Board approved the sinking fund proposal on June 24 for placement on the November 5 election ballot.

“We achieve great outcomes for our children when we all work together with a common goal,” said Board President Kristin Bull.  “We are grateful for the support of the community.”

A building and site sinking fund is audited annually by the Michigan Department of Treasury to ensure the revenue is spent only as the law allows.

“As we move forward, every action will continue to be deliberate, strategic, and focused on safety and efficiencies throughout the entire RCS organization,” said Dr. Shaner. “Being good stewards of sinking fund dollars is both an expectation and obligation to our community.

“Rochester Community Schools represents what’s great about public education when the community is behind it and the stakeholders are involved. Together, we can continue the tradition of Rochester Community Schools’ Pride in Excellence.”

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