Walk Like a Zombie in Downtown Rochester

For the first time the Rochester Hills Public Library is celebrating Halloween, the premier of The Walking Dead and all things spooky with a community Zombie Walk October 26 at 6:00 p.m.

Participants are asked to dress like a zombie and take a short walk through downtown Rochester and the Paint Creek trail with library staff. Before the walk, free cider and donuts from the Paint Creek Cider Mill will be available. Prizes will be awarded to the best costume and an after party is being held at the Rochester Mills, where participants can enjoy drink and appetizer specials.

Rochester Hills Public Library Hosts Zombie Walk

Rochester Hills Public Library Hosts Zombie Walk

“Over the summer the library hosted Pokemon walks that were very successful. We want to reach that same audience with the Zombie Walk while promoting all the other services the library has to offer,” said Amanda Harrison Keighley the library’s Community Relations Specialist.

For the first time The Paint Creek Cider Mill partnered with the Rochester Hills Public Library to offer free cider and donuts to event participants.

“When the library approached us about this idea, it sounded like so much fun I knew we wanted to get involved. Community engagement is very important to the Paint Creek Cider Mill and we are proud to be a part of this community,” says Paint Creek Cider Mill owner Ed Granchi.

The library plans to award three different prizes for the best dressed zombies. The prizes will include the latest season of Walking Dead, a professional makeup kit and a gift card to the Rochester Mills.

“We’ve worked a lot with the Rochester Mills. Their partnership and dedication to their community has allowed us to not only offer gift card prizes and appetizer specials for this event

but also host ongoing events like Books on Tap, our library’s primary book club and LiBrewery Trivia,” says Adult Services Manager Jessica Parij.

The Zombie Walk is intended for all ages. Families are welcome to attend but are asked to use discretion. Non-residents are welcome to attend. The Rochester Hills Public Library asks that participants register in advance at calendar.rhpl.org.



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