Walk or Run to Benefit Meals on Wheels

5k Run/Walk to Benefit Older Persons’ Commission (OPC) Meals on Wheels Program

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2019 OPC Run Walk for Meals

Community members of all ages are encouraged to hit the trails on June 1 for the 14th annual OPC 5k Run/Walk for Meals on Wheels which provides meal delivery to homebound seniors in northeastern Oakland County. Registration for the run or walk begins at 7:00 a.m. and the race kicks off at 8:00 a.m. at the OPC. 

“This is a great community event to keep healthy and active while supporting a good cause,” said Matthew Spierling, head of the Fitness and Aquatics at the OPC. “Last year we had several 3-generation family groups in the race.”

Smiling faces of the walkers along the trail

OPC 5K Photo 2018

The proceeds from the race go toward the OPC’s Meals on Wheels program, which provides weekly meals to homebound seniors in nine communities — Auburn Hills, Brandon Township, Independence Township, Lake Orion, Oxford, Addison Township, Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township. Every $5 donated makes it possible to deliver a meal to a senior in need. Last year alone, OPC provided over 121,257 meals.

“Meals on Wheels is for seniors that are not able to shop or prepare their own meals, so without this program many of the seniors would be prematurely placed in assisted living or nursing homes,” said OPC Executive Director Renee Cortright. “The volunteers who deliver the meals provide a daily wellness check and are a bright spot in the senior’s day.”

The run/walk is chip-timed with awards given in 10-year age categories and to the youngest and oldest participants. Entry fees are $20 for pre-registrants, $30 for same day registration and $15 for children ages 12 & under or $25 on race day.  

Register for the race online or pay in person with the OPC cashiers Monday – Friday at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, contact Matt Spierling at matthewspierling@opcseniorcenter.org or at 248-659-1021. 

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