Because over 15% of our area families qualify for state or federal funding, and because we are blessed beyond belief to live in this amazing community, I would like to appeal to my neighbors of North Oakland County to help me in creating a community where nobody is left in the cold this winter. I have created a community project though the guidance of my Self-Expression and Leadership program at Landmark Worldwide called Warm Heads, Hands & Hearts. The goal of the project is to gather new and gently used costs, hats and mittens for our families in need. We’re accepting all sizes though keeping our local children warm is particularly important to us. We’re also accepting scarves, socks, boots, snow pants, blankets … whatever is needed to keep our residents warm this winter. Though most coat drives end before the holidays, we’re keeping ours going through the end of February.
Donations can be left on Sinclair’s front porch at 1259 Burgoyne Blvd., Rochester Hills, or arrangements can be made for pick-ups by emailing or calling 248-321-4472. There will also be a box at the Tropical Smoothie location on Crooks/Auburn where items can be dropped off as well.
All donations are being forwarded to the Neighborhood House where they will be distributed to our local communities.