A virtual who’s who of major players in life science and health care are among those scheduled to attend Medical Main Street’s annual networking event on Sept. 16 in Troy.
DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, DPro Healthcare, Farmaceutix, Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, Infection Prevention Technologies, JEMS Technology, NSF Health Sciences, Orchid, the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, and the University of Michigan – Dearborn are among those registered for the networking reception at Petruzzello’s Banquet Hall, 6950 Rochester Road in Troy.
Sponsors for the event, along with Oakland University, include St. John Providence Health System, OU Inc., Stryker, Priority Health, Oakland Regional Hospital, Michigan Health & Hospital Association, McLaren Oakland, Beaumont Health, OpTech, the city of Southfield, St. Joseph Mercy Health System, Oakland Community College, and PNC Bank.
“This is an all-star lineup,” Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said. “If you’re in health care, life science, medical device manufacturing or mobile health care, this is a singular opportunity to connect with these important players at one time. This is a must-attend event.”
More than 250 professionals from the health care, medical device, biotech, digital health, life science and pharmaceutical industries are expected to attend. Registration is $75 per person, which includes live entertainment and a strolling dinner, can be made online at MedicalMainStreet.com.
A feature of the event is the awarding of Medical Main Street’s 2015 INNO-VATOR of the Year, given to the business or organization that has created a device, technology or process that significantly impacts the medical device, biotech or life science industries.
The winner receives $1,000 cash, a customized promotional video and a one-year membership in Automation Alley, among other services. Those interested in being considered for the award have until Monday at 11:59 p.m. to enter at MedicalMainStreet.com.
For information about the event or Medical Main Street, contact Matt Mastay at (248) 858-0979 or mastaym@oakgov.com.
Medical Main Street, powered by Oakland County, is a collaboration of world renowned hospitals, universities and health care and life science companies in Southeast Michigan. Patterson created the initiative in 2008 to harness the strength of the area’s health care, life science, research and development, education and manufacturing assets.