Win Michigan Renaissance Festival Tickets

Want a chance to win Michigan Renaissance Festival Tickets?

Ask Dear Crabby a question by emailing him at

Michigan Renaissance Festival 2017

Michigan Renaissance Festival 2017

If Dear Crabby uses your question from now until September 1, Rochester Media will send you a family four-pack of tickets to attend the Michigan Renaissance Festival – good any day of the 2017 season.

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Rochester Media publishes The Community Edge digital newsletter of recently posted articles from Rochester Media, a hyper-local news outlet covering all things in and around Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Township. Send us you press releases and news happenings to


  1. Caryn Kelly says

    Dear Crabby, why do you think so many adults love to dress up in costumes and attend the Michigan Renaissance Festival? From Curious Caryn

  2. Dear Crabby,
    What do you think about year round school? It looks like they are moving towards that where I live.

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