Women’s Advisory Board Member for Oakland County Kate Logan to Serve on Governor’s Panel

The Women’s Advisory Board for Oakland County is proud to announce the participation of board member Kate Taylor Logan at the Governor’s Economic Summit at the Amway Grand Plaza, in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 16-18,2014.

Logan was invited by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to showcase her success as a veteran transitioning into the civilian workplace. She will participate in the “Best Practices for Talent Retention” and the “Investing in Talent Development: Internship” panels. She will be one of seven panelists chosen from across the state to speak at the summit and will join hundreds of participants from across Michigan.

Logan will work directly with Governor Rick Snyder in examining current and future talent needs and help identify regional strengths and concerns. She will assist to develop strategies and create solutions in addressing our state’s employer talent needs and create opportunities for regional collaboration and place making.

Kate Taylor Logan is a veterans’ representative appointed to the Women’s Advisory Board to study the needs of women in the county. Oakland County Commissioner Marcia Gershenson, the ex-offico member on the board, said, “Kate has been integral to the success of the board. She brings the unique perspective of a woman who has courageously served her country and used her military experiences to become a strong role model in our community.”

Logan will also chair the first Women’s Advisory Board networking event to showcase real success stories of women veterans on Friday, May 16, at the Auburn Hills Oakland Community College campus. This will be an opportunity for veterans to interact with other successful women veterans and learn how they have accomplished their goals.

“Our nation’s veterans are adaptable and deliver interminable talent and perseverance to our changing workforce. This population will be a tremendous resource and key component in rebuilding the great state of Michigan,” stated Kate Taylor Logan, who served active duty in the United States Army with the 1stInfantry Division from 2005 to 2008. She is in her 8th year of service in the Army and is currently serving her final year of service as a as a Sergeant in the Michigan National Guard. Ms. Logan was deployed to Baghdad in Iraq during the surge operations for 15 months from 2007 to 2008.

About Sarah Hovis

Freelance wordsmith, arts appreciator, grammar geek, sports spectator, stationery snob, and world traveler, Sarah charts her own course as the owner of saliho creative. She uses her creative mind and engaging dialogue to fearlessly bring the written word to life in print and online… all while keeping a watchful eye out for the next literary adventure. You can reach her at sarah@rochestermedia.com.

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