A new Writing Contest comes to Rochester
The Rochester Writers’ Conference is adding a writing contest this year to coincide with the fifth annual event held at Oakland University. There will be three categories writers may choose from: Poetry, Micro-Fiction, and First Page.
The poetry category will be for poems of any style up to 200 words and should be a one poem. Micro-Fiction is telling a short story in under 300 words. It has to be a complete story, so authors should choose words carefully. The final category is the First Page of a novel. Authors are invited to submit the first page of a book they are working on (it may be complete or in any stage of the process). First Page works need to be limited to 250 words and can be fiction or non-fiction.
The Rules
All work must be original and previously unpublished. It must be submitted online or by U.S. Mail by the deadline of November 6, 2012. Author retains all rights. Rochester Writers’ will not publish any submitted work but retains the right to publish the author’s name and title of work. Open to all writers. Anyone under the age of 18 must submit with written legal guardian approval. All submissions must be in English (unless part of quote within the work or proper name or place). Only the title and body of work should go on the front page; name, address, email and phone on back of page. If submitting electronically, contact information should go on a separate page with title of work(s). Winners will be announced in late November 2012.
Fee to Enter
If you are an attendee to this year’s Rochester Writers’ Conference, then you may submit up to three works for free. However, if you are not attending it’s a $10 fee for up to three entries and only $5 for each one after that. The fee is low to help build interest in the contest. Entries may be sent to:
Rochester Writers’ 2012 Writing Contest PO Box 81901 Rochester, MI 48308-1901Remember to include payment if you are not an attendee of the event. Judges and prizes will be announced soon. Rochester Media is a sponsor of the conference and the contest. This first contest is just one of several planned. For additional information and to enter online, visit The Rochester Writers’ Conference Website.
The 2012 Conference
Everything is in place for the fifth annual event held at Oakland University on Saturday, October 20. Over a dozen speakers covering many topics, including publishing, blogging, poetry, personal essay, and freelance writing will present workshops throughout the day. There is still time to register. $125 covers all sessions, keynote address, lunch and all day refreshments. All the details on the writers’ conference and the writing contest are at www.RochesterWriters.com
Look for the new Rochester Media Book now available online! Click here to read more.