Y-O-Y-O, You Are On Your Own

Unfortunately it keeps proving its self true over and over with every local, national and worldly disaster we encounter.  Help will be there but will it be soon enough?  Let’s face it, trained emergency responders such as firefighters and police officers make up less than 1% of the population.  It’s not hard to figure out that they can not be everywhere needed during a large scale incident.  So, you’re on your own.  Are you prepared to help yourself, your family or neighbors?  If you haven’t already, you need to have an emergency grab and go bucket filled with needed emergency supplies.  Also, early notification is vital during an emergency.  To receive early notification of emergencies, Rochester Hill’s residents can sign up with NIXLE, which is the community’s early notification system of vital information that needs to be widely communicated. 

For more details, go to the following websites:





About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at info@rochestermedia.com.